The World's First

Cartoon MEME Clipart Library


Back in the late 80s and early 90s, a small team of IT pioneers developed a collection of royalty free animations for every day folk to use.


The World's First Cartoon Meme Clipart Library NFT Collection!

This highly collectable set of NFTs comes from animated clipart created in the UK in the early 90's at Pinewood Studios.

The animations were developed by former Microsoft Innovation Director and CTO, Adrian Clarke, who worked closely with Mattes and Miniatures, a special effects and animation  team working on films such as Batman (1989) and Tron (1982).

Lovingly restored, the original and World's first collection of 182 royalty free clipart animation NFTs are now available for purchase.


Famous Disney cartoonist and animator, Robert 'Tiger' West, (also famous for his work at Hanna Barbera on Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo, Spider Man, Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Flintstones),  a pioneer in developing Xerox/electronic photocopying (which had been originally developed for animation) key-framed animations for the library and was heavily involved in the design and animation process.

The full collection featured 182 animations and covered a multitude of topics and scenarios.

Click to view the full collection

Multimedia Factory then created the software to allow users to easily insert these full colour motion clips, complete with sound, into their work - adding a whole new dimension to any presentation or communication.

The finished package was distributed in the UK and Europe by Pinnacle and Gauntlet, who were well known software and music distributors at the time. It sold in shops like Smiths, Dixons and PC World. It was also sold in the US.

VIEW provenance

Provenance and ownership

The Animated Clipart NFT provenance and rights that go with the NFTs (all rights of ownership of artwork),  have been created with and evidenced by the Evident Proof NFT Service, which means your rights are protected and ownership can be evidenced in court at any time.

Animated Clipart Provenance Timeline


Proof of concept created by Adrian Clarke.


Animations created in the UK at Pinewood Studios. Ongoing design, software development and animation work completed with artists and animators from Disney and Mattes and Miniatures, yielding a library of 182 colour animations, in colour, with sound.


Marketed in the UK & Europe in CD format as "The World's First Animated Clipart Library".


Re-marketed worldwide as NFTs

Contracts and supporting documents are available upon request please contact for assistance.

Purchase The World's First animated MEME clipart nfts at opensea